Elder Abuse


Glendale Elder Abuse Lawyers

Glendale elder abuse attorneys s fighting for seniors in California

Anyone aged 60 or older is considered a senior. This population often requires additional care and attention such as in-home caregivers or moving into a nursing home facility. Elder abuse comes in several ways, and it is one of the most horrific crimes. Anyone who abuses a senior should suffer consequences. Steps should be taken to stop the abuse from continuing and to keep your loved one safe. The Glendale elder abuse lawyers at Garcia & Artigliere will fight for your loved ones' rights and have recovered over $3 billion for consumers. Contact our offices today to speak to an elder abuse lawyer in Glendale.


What does elder abuse look like?

Seniors are vulnerable whether they are getting care in their homes or in facilities. Caretakers can be held responsible for abuse when they work in senior homes, assisted living facilities, adult daycare, and nursing homes. They are responsible for preventing and reporting abuse and if they fail, they can be legally liable. A Glendale elder abuse lawyer can guide you on the steps to take to hold these negligent parties responsible for abusing your loved one. Multiple parties could be responsible, and they should all answer for their crimes.

 Abuse takes many forms, but the World Health Organization considers abuse "a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person." Studies show that one in 10 Americans over 60 are victims of abuse. This is equal to about five million cases annually.

Abusers can be anyone, from nursing home attendants to doctors and family members. Different categories of abuse include:

Neglect is another form of abuse that can be intentional or unintentional. Sometimes it is evident, while other times it is not.

Elder abuse is often under-reported, especially when it is emotional or verbal. Another factor that can make it challenging to report the abuse is if the senior has a mental illness, is incapacitated, or is unable to express themselves. Additionally, mood changes, depression, and isolation can often be confused as signs of dementia, which leads to underreporting.

Overall, elder abuse is rampant nationwide.

Looking for signs of elder abuse in Glendale

Often, seniors can have difficulty communicating and defending themselves. It can be up to the family to determine whether their loved one is being abused. When the caregiver comes to the home, it can be easier for families to stay alert, although it can be challenging to identify abuse in an assisted living facility. There are different forms of elder abuse, but the most common signs include:

  • An increase in medication or taking medication they previously did not take without a valid reason
  • Bruises on wrists and ankles that restraints could cause
  • Increased treatment for new injuries
  • A significant change in weight in a short period
  • Escaping the facility without anyone noticing
  • Expressing fear of certain staff members
  • Other residents have noticeable signs of injury or malnutrition
  • Lack of interaction with others or barely leaving their room

 You should stay alert for any changes or discomfort your loved one experiences when around caregivers. When visiting, go at random times so staff does not have the opportunity to hide abuse. If you suspect abuse, you should speak to a Glendale elder abuse lawyer.

Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers

Resources for family members who suspect elder abuse

Your loved one's health and well-being are your primary concern. When visiting care facilities, look around the room for anything amiss. Visit regularly but do not adhere to a strict schedule. Speak to caregivers, doctors, and others about their medication and treatment plans. If you fear they are in immediate danger and their rights have been violated, call 911 for immediate assistance. In some instances, you can also use these resources:

 You can also speak to our Glendale elder abuse lawyers. Perpetrators should not get away with the damage they do to innocent seniors. Sometimes, facilities will sweep this behavior and abuse under the rug so they do not lose their licenses and the profit they make from taking care of seniors. The Garcia & Artigliere team is here to help hold negligent parties responsible for the abuse they inflict on your loved ones.

How can your Glendale elder abuse lawyers help my loved one?

Elder abuse in any form is egregious, and it is a breach of trust at the highest level. Our elder abuse lawyers in Glendale will work to hold abusers responsible for their actions. While the outcome is often obtaining monetary compensation, the message is more significant. We are seeking justice and accountability for elder abuse. Often, the facilities or agencies where the abuse occurred will change policies, resulting in a safer environment for everyone.

Garcia & Artigliere has local expertise and understands the intricacies of the Glendale community. We can connect you with counselors and other resources to facilitate healing. Elder abuse will impact people in different ways, and we recognize the individuality of these situations, which is why we craft an approach that addresses each victim. Our experienced Glendale elder abuse lawyers have fought for victims for over 30 years. We apply state and federal laws to our cases to get the best possible outcome for our clients.

Do you have a Glendale elder abuse lawyer near me?

Garcia & Artigliere represent elder abuse victims throughout California. In 2022, we obtained over $50 million for our clients. The legal process can be challenging, but we can guide you through every step and ensure your loved one is safe. We will fight for maximum compensation and legal consequences for the perpetrators of these heinous acts. It will take time for your loved one to trust another caregiver, and negligent parties must be held responsible.

Contact a Glendale elder abuse lawyer at Garcia & Artigliere

At Garcia & Artigliere, our team is well-versed in these cases and ready to fight against negligent caregivers. We will show the kind of abuse that occurred and who inflicted it. We will also show how the abuse has impacted your loved one. When they fail in their duty, they should be held responsible. You can schedule a free, confidential consultation with a Glendale elder abuse lawyer by calling our Long Beach or Los Angeles offices or completing our contact form. We serve clients throughout California.


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