Elder Abuse


Baton Rouge Elder Abuse Lawyers

Strong advocacy from Baton Rouge attorneys on behalf of abused seniors

Most people, once they turn 60-years-of-age, develop physical challenges such as arthritis and fatigue. Many seniors sadly develop cognitive difficulties, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. When your parent, grandparent, or any other older relative needs help from a caretaker, your loved one deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Sadly, some caretakers see a senior’s impairments as an opportunity to take advantage of him or her. Many caretakers turn to force instead of patience and education to supervise the elderly. At Garcia & Artigliere, our Baton Rouge elder abuse lawyers have more than 150 years of combined experience representing the elderly. Our work has helped secure more than $3 billion in recoveries. We’re ready to fight for your loved one now - call our offices today.


What is elder abuse?

The National Council on Aging defines elder abuse as follows:

  • Physical abuse. Physical abuse involves the following conduct:
    • The use of physical or chemical restraints
    • Denying a resident or patient medications, food, or drink
    • Hitting, punching, striking, pushing, or slapping a resident or patient
  • Sexual abuse. Sexual abuse involves “involves forcing an older adult to watch or be part of sexual acts.” In Baton Rouge, sexual abuse also includes promising a resident or patient better treatment if he or she agrees to sexual conduct.
  • Emotional abuse. Emotional abuse involves yelling, insulting, intimidating, or making a senior feel guilty. Isolating a senior from other seniors, family, or friends is also a type of emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is often improperly used to control or punish a senior.
  • Gross neglect involves deliberately failing to provide a resident with essential daily needs, including sanitary living conditions, medical care, and other daily needs.

Financial abuse, another type of senior abuse, involves stealing cash or credit cards, forging signatures on retirement benefit accounts, pressuring a senior to sign a power of attorney, and other acts of obtaining a financial benefit without the knowledge or consent of the senior.

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Baton Rouge elder abuse lawyers have been fighting for the elderly since 1993. Our attorneys are skilled at showing what type of abuse occurred, why the abuse is devastating, and why the caretaker should be held responsible.

What signs of abuse should I look for when I visit a senior who is under the care of a Baton Rouge caretaker?

Our Baton Rouge elder abuse lawyers recommend that family and friends regularly visit their seniors – whether they’re living in a long-term care facility, a daily or short-term care facility, or living at home. In addition to personal visits, we recommend regular phone and email communications.

Some of the common signs of abuse are:

Physical abuse signs:

  • Weight changes
  • Tiredness
  • Malnutrition and dehydration
  • Untreated infections
  • Bedsores/pressure ulcers
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Bleeding, bruises, and cuts
  • Unwashed clothes
  • A lack of proper hygiene
  • Signs your loved one isn’t taking his/her medications
  • Pain anywhere
  • Signs that your loved one is suffering from chemical or physical abuse

Emotional abuse signs:

  • Failing to speak with family, friends, and other elderly people in Baton Rouge
  • Isolation from other people
  • Withdrawal and quietness around staff members
  • Confusion
  • Being afraid
  • Anxiety, irritability, and depression
  • Rocking back and forth
  • Signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Sexual abuse signs:

  • The need for ER care
  • Undergarments that are ripped, bloody, have semen on them, or are unkempt
  • Sexual infections
  • Bruises, cuts, or pain around the genital areas
  • Unusual conversations about sex
  • Signs your loved one is afraid
  • Any of the physical or emotional signs discussed above

Other signs of abuse in Baton Rouge include:

  • Signs your loved one fell
  • A senior who wanders from or leaves the facility
  • Was abandoned
Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers

How can I help someone I care for if I suspect abuse by a Baton Rouge caretaker?

If a parent, grandparent, or another older relative is being abused, there are a few important steps you should take.

Please begin by contacting our Baton Rouge elder abuse lawyers. We’ve helped thousands of clients assert their rights. We’re respected by seniors, their families, insurance companies, and caretaker defense lawyers for our record of success fighting for the elderly.

Other practical steps include:

  • Spending as much time with your loved one as possible
  • Observing how your loved one interacts with staff members and other seniors
  • Examining the nursing home or other care facility for signs your relative or friend could fall and other dangers
  • Reviewing whether the senior you care for is taking his/her medications

If you suspect abuse, you and/or your loved can contact the Louisiana Ombudsman Program. They investigate complaints about improper or poor nursing home and long-term care conduct.

How do your Baton Rouge elder abuse lawyers fight for elder abuse victims?

At Garica & Artigliere, our respected Baton Rouge elder abuse lawyers fight for the elderly in Louisiana, Kentucky, Arizona, and California. Our record of results includes nearly 50 settlements and verdicts for one million dollars or more.

We’re skilled at every aspect of elder abuse litigation including:

  • Understanding what federal and Louisiana laws govern assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and other caretaker facilities and businesses
  • Meeting with your loved one and you to discuss the abuse claim. We’re skilled at helping seniors who have physical and cognitive impairments
  • Working with investigators and through the formal discovery process to determine why the Baton Rouge caretaker failed in its duty to protect your loved one
  • Discussing the physical, sexual, emotional, and cognitive harm the abuse by a Baton Rouge caretaker caused your loved one with skilled elder care doctors
  • Working with the Louisiana Ombudsman, the local police, and any adult protective service agencies
  • Working with nursing home and other caretaker professionals to show how the abuse of your loved one should have been prevented

Our record of success includes:

  • Two false claims act cases. Both cases involved complaints that the defendants violated The False Claims Act – a federal law that requires that caretakers who bill Medicare and Medicare submit honest bills. The complaints were initiated by Garcia & Artigliere and formally settled by the US Department of Justice.
    • $46 million judgment against a California skilled nursing management company, its owners, and six nursing facilities. The allegations involved a kickback scheme.
    • $45 million judgment against several defendants.
  • $38.5 million settlement. Our lawyers obtained the biggest Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act settlement in California history.
  • $2.2 result. This result was obtained against Defendants LTAC of Louisiana, LLC d/b/a “AMG Specialty Hospital,” and Acadiana Management Group, LLC, respectively, for injuries caused by the negligence of the two (2) defendants.

Do you have a Baton Rouge elder abuse lawyer near me?

Garcia & Artigliere represents seniors in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. We consult with the elderly at our Louisiana office, at the residence where your loved one resides, your home, by phone, and by video.

We’ll answer your questions and your loved one’s questions and calmly and clearly guide both of you through the claims process.

Contact our experienced Baton Rouge elder abuse attorneys today

Any type of abuse of the elderly must stop now. At Garcia & Artigliere, our Baton Rouge lawyers move immediately to notify the caretaker facility or agency that your loved one is being abused. We work aggressively to hold the abuser responsible, and to show that the long-term care facility, nursing home, or any other type of caretaker should also be held responsible. We demand caretakers pay damages for the physical and emotional harm they cause, including medical bills and pain and suffering.

To schedule a free consultation, please call us or fill out our contact form to schedule a free, confidential consultation. We also represent abused seniors in New Orleans and Shreveport - and in Arizona, California, and Kentucky. We represent abused seniors on a contingency fee basis.

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