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Granada Hills Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyers

Help for your loved one from our Granada Hills nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys

If you suspect that a loved one has suffered from nursing home abuse or neglect, you deserve compassionate and experienced legal representation. Talk to Garcia & Artigliere today for help. Our team of dedicated Granada Hills elder abuse and neglect lawyers is here to advocate for the rights and well-being of elderly individuals who have been mistreated in care facilities. We understand the deep concern and distress that comes with these situations, and we are committed to holding negligent parties accountable. We are ready to stand by your side and ensure that your loved one's rights are protected. Let us be your voice in the fight against nursing home abuse and neglect – contact us today for a confidential consultation.


What is nursing home abuse and neglect?

The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care notes the following:

According to the Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987, all residents in nursing homes are entitled to receive quality care and live in an environment that improves or maintains the quality of their physical and mental health. This entitlement includes freedom from neglect, abuse, and misappropriation of funds.  Neglect and abuse are criminal acts whether they occur inside or outside a nursing home. Residents do not surrender their rights to protection from criminal acts when they enter a facility.

Nursing home abuse occurs when someone causes intentional pain or harm to an elderly individual. This can include physical, mental, verbal, psychological, and sexual abuse. It also encompasses “corporal punishment, unreasonable seclusion, and intimidation.”

Nursing home neglect happens when someone fails to care for a person in a manner “that would avoid harm and pain.” Neglect may or not be intentional – for example, an aide who is poorly trained may simply not understand how to provide proper care.

What are the signs of Granada Hills nursing home abuse and neglect?

It’s important to recognize the signs of nursing home abuse and neglect to protect the well-being of our loved ones residing in these facilities. Here are some red flags to be vigilant about:

Physical signs

  • Unexplained injuries: Bruises, cuts, burns, bedsores, broken bones, or fractures, especially in hidden areas, could indicate physical abuse. Bladder and bowel injuries should also be looked at with some concern.
  • Malnutrition or dehydration: Dry skin, brittle nails, cracked lips, confusion, lethargy, or weight loss might suggest inadequate food or water intake.
  • Poor hygiene: Unkempt appearance, unwashed clothes, soiled bedding, or unusual body odor could be signs of lack of proper care.
  • Untreated medical conditions: Missed appointments, medication errors, or worsening chronic conditions may indicate medical neglect.

Behavioral signs

  • Withdrawal or depression: Loss of interest in activities, social isolation, withdrawn demeanor, or changes in mood could indicate distress.
  • Fear or apprehension: An older adult being afraid of staff, other residents, being hesitant to talk about their living situation, or exhibiting anxious behavior should raise concerns.
  • Verbal or emotional abuse: Yelling, insults, threats, or humiliation directed towards the older adult are indicative of emotional neglect.
  • Changes in appetite or sleep: Significant alterations in eating or sleeping patterns can be a sign of distress or neglect.

Changes in living conditions

  • Unsanitary or unsafe environment: Dirty floors, overflowing trash, broken furniture, lack of heat or plumbing, or hazardous conditions are red flags. Unsafe environments can also cause falls or wandering and elopement.
  • Inadequate food or supplies: Empty cupboards, lack of clean clothes or toiletries, or insufficient medical supplies may point to neglect.
  • Isolation from loved ones: Restricted access to family and friends, or lack of social interaction, can be isolating and neglectful.

Additionally, look for signs of staff behavior that raise concerns:

  • High staff turnover: Frequent staff changes might indicate problems in the facility's culture or care practices.
  • Inadequate staffing levels: Not enough staff members to provide adequate care can lead to neglect.
  • Dismissive or uncaring attitude towards residents: Staff neglecting residents' needs or treating them disrespectfully is a red flag.

If you believe your loved one died due to nursing home abuse and neglect, our Granada Hills attorneys can file a wrongful death lawsuit on your behalf. Let the compassionate team at Garcia & Artigliere help.

Nationwide Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers

How can I prevent nursing home abuse and neglect?

Preventing nursing home abuse and neglect necessitates a proactive approach and a commitment to staying informed. Begin by thoroughly researching potential care facilities, ensuring they have positive reviews, proper licensing, and a well-maintained environment. During visits, inquire about staffing levels and the caregiver-to-resident ratio, as adequate staffing is essential for proper attention and care.

Additionally, ask about staff training programs, particularly those addressing elder abuse recognition and response. Well-trained staff are more likely to provide quality care and notice signs of abuse. Stay actively involved in your loved one's care through regular visits and communication with facility staff, fostering an open line of communication with your loved one about their experiences and feelings.

Educate yourself on the warning signs of abuse and neglect, such as unexplained injuries, behavioral changes, or poor hygiene. Promptly address any concerns with facility staff and observe interactions between staff members and residents, ensuring they are respectful and compassionate.

If you suspect abuse or neglect, report it immediately to the appropriate authorities, whether local law enforcement, adult protective services, or the facility's management. Regularly review and discuss your loved one's care plan with facility staff to ensure that their medical, emotional, and social needs are being addressed appropriately.

Seek legal advice from our skilled Granada Hills nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys. We can guide you on the legal avenues needed to address these issues, and help you advocate for the safety and well-being of your loved one. Through these proactive measures, you can play a role in preventing nursing home abuse and neglect and ensuring the quality of care your loved one deserves.

Who is liable for my Granada Hills nursing home abuse and neglect claim?

Determining liability in a nursing home abuse and neglect claim in Granada Hills involves evaluating the specific circumstances surrounding the abuse. Potential parties that may be held liable for nursing home abuse and neglect include:

  • Nursing home facility: The nursing home facility itself may be held responsible for the actions of its staff and any negligence in providing proper care. This includes issues related to inadequate training, understaffing, or insufficient supervision.
  • Staff members: Individual caregivers, nurses, or other staff members who directly engage in abusive or neglectful behavior may be held personally liable for their actions.
  • Management or ownership: Those responsible for managing or owning the nursing home may be held accountable if they were aware of issues but failed to take appropriate action to address or prevent abuse and neglect.
  • Third-party contractors: If the abuse or neglect is linked to the actions of third-party contractors providing services within the nursing home, they may be held liable.
  • Medical professionals: If the abuse involves medical neglect or malpractice, the responsible medical professionals may be held liable.
  • Government agencies: Regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing nursing home facilities may face liability if they failed in their duty to enforce regulations and prevent abuse.

The nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers at Garcia & Artigliere have the skill and know-how to launch an investigation and hold the right people or parties responsible for what has happened to you or your loved one.

Do you have a Granada Hills nursing home abuse and neglect lawyer near me?

Garcia & Artigliere has offices at 2029 Century Park East, Suite 400, in Los Angeles. We’re located between Constellation Boulevard and W. Olympic Boulevard. We can also arrange video calls or off-site visits if you are unable to travel due to your condition.

Granada Hills nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys on your side

If you suspect that your loved one has suffered from nursing home abuse or neglect, it's essential to take immediate action to protect their rights and well-being. Talk to the lawyers at Garcia & Artigliere today. Our team of dedicated nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys in Granada Hills is here to advocate for justice on behalf of your loved one. We understand the emotional distress these situations cause, and we are committed to holding negligent parties accountable. Call our offices or contact us to set up a free consultation. Garcia & Artigliere has offices in Long Beach and Los Angeles and serve clients throughout California.