Long Beach Elder Neglect


Long Beach Elder Neglect Attorneys

Experienced assistance when a senior citizen is suffering from neglect in California

Elder neglect refers to the failure to provide adequate care, support, and assistance to senior adults, resulting in harm, discomfort, or compromising their well-being. Neglect can occur in various settings, including the home, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or within the community. Elder neglect is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for older adults. It can lead to physical injuries, emotional distress, deteriorating health, and even death in severe cases.

If this has happened to you or someone you love, the Long Beach attorneys at Garcia & Artigliere are here. Our compassionate team has over 30 years of experience helping families just like yours. We understand these types of cases inside and out, and know how to hold the right people and entities responsible when a senior suffers injuries and losses due to neglect. Keep reading to find out more.


What is elder abuse?

Elder abuse refers to the mistreatment, harm, or neglect of older adults, typically aged 60 or older. It is a broad term that encompasses various forms of abuse, including physical and sexual abuse, each posing a serious threat to the well-being and safety of older individuals. Elder abuse can occur in different settings, including private homes, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or within the community.

Elder neglect is the failure to provide necessary care, support, or assistance required for an older person's well-being. It may include neglecting basic needs, such as food, water, medication, hygiene, or medical attention.

This section focuses on neglect.

What constitutes elder neglect?

The key elements of elder neglect include:

  • Physical neglect. This involves failing to meet an older person's basic physical needs, such as providing sufficient food, water, clothing, shelter, hygiene, or necessary medical care. Physical neglect can lead to malnutrition and/or dehydration, infections, bedsores, and other health-related issues.
  • Emotional or psychological neglect. Emotional neglect occurs when an older person is deprived of social interaction, companionship, or emotional support, or is subjected to constant isolation. This can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, and deteriorating mental health.
  • Medical neglect. Medical neglect refers to failing to provide necessary medical treatment, medications, or appropriate attention to an older person's health conditions, which can exacerbate existing health problems and lead to further complications.

Elder neglect is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for older adults. It can lead to physical injuries, emotional distress, deteriorating health, and even death in severe cases. Identifying and addressing elder neglect is crucial to ensure the safety, dignity, and well-being of older adults.


What are the signs of elder neglect?

Elder neglect is when an older adult's basic needs are not met. This can be intentional or unintentional, and it can take many forms. Here are some signs that an older adult may be being neglected:

  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
  • Unkempt appearance
  • Untreated medical problems
  • Unsafe living conditions
  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Changes in personality or behavior
  • Inappropriate clothing for the weather
  • Poor hygiene
  • Dehydration
  • Malnutrition
  • Bedsores
  • Incontinence
  • Isolation
  • Fear of speaking in front of a caregiver

If you see any of these signs, it is important to speak to the older adult about your concerns. If you believe that the older adult is being neglected, you should report it to the authorities, and then contact the Long Beach, California elder abuse attorneys at Garcia & Artigliere for further guidance.

Who is liable for my California elder neglect claim?

Determining liability for a Long Beach elder neglect claim will depend on the specific circumstances of the case. In cases of elder neglect, several parties may potentially be held liable, including:

  • Caregivers or individuals responsible for the neglect. If the neglect occurred in a private home or a caregiving setting, the individuals directly responsible for providing care to the elderly person may be held liable. This can include family members, hired caregivers, or others responsible for the elder's well-being.
  • Nursing home or assisted living facility. If the neglect took place in a nursing home or assisted living facility in Long Beach, the facility itself may be held liable. Nursing homes have a duty to provide a reasonable standard of care to their residents, and any failure to do so could result in liability.
  • Staff and management of care facilities. Individual staff members, supervisors, or management of nursing homes or assisted living facilities may be held accountable if their negligence or actions contributed to the neglect.
  • Healthcare professionals. If the neglect involves medical care or treatment, healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, or therapists, may be held liable for their actions or omissions.
  • Third-party service providers. If the neglect occurred due to the negligence of third-party service providers, such as transportation services or food delivery companies, they might also be held responsible.
  • Facility owners or operators. The owners or operators of nursing homes or assisted living facilities can be held liable if their negligence in maintaining the facility or hiring qualified staff contributed to the neglect.

Proving liability in elder neglect cases can be complex, and it requires a thorough investigation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the neglect. If you believe you have a claim for elder neglect in Long Beach, it is crucial to consult with our attorneys. We can help assess your situation, gather evidence, identify liable parties, and pursue legal action to seek justice and compensation for the harm caused to the elderly person.

Do you have an elder neglect attorney near me?

Garcia & Artigliere has offices at 180 E. Ocean Blvd., Suite 1100, Long Beach, CA 90802.

Experienced elder neglect attorneys serving California

If you or a loved one are experiencing elder neglect, it is crucial you talk to the Long Beach attorneys at Garcia & Artigliere today for legal help. Our law firm knows how to hold the right people and entities responsible, and work to secure compensation for your loved one’s injuries and losses. We are here for you. Call or contact us in Long Beach today.

We only collect attorney fees if we win your case. Our elder abuse lawyers also serve families throughout the U.S. from our offices in Louisville, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and New Orleans. Our services are available in both English and Spanish.

Se habla español.

Additional services for victims of elder abuse in Long Beach