Elder Abuse


Shreveport Elder Abuse Lawyers

Compassionate experienced advocacy for seniors who are abused because caretakers failed to protect them

As Shreveport residents age, they develop physical disorders. Many elderly residents also develop dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other cognitive disorders. Whether it’s a nursing home, a rehabilitation center, an at-home agency, or any other type of caretaker – caretakers owe a duty to their residents and patients to protect them from abuse. It’s no excuse to blame the abuser. Caretakers need to take proactive measures to prevent abuse from happening. At Garcia & Artigliere, our Shreveport elder abuse lawyers are respected by former clients, families, insurance companies, and the legal community because of our dedication, advocacy skills, and our impressive record of results. We’ve obtained more than $3 billion in recoveries. Two of our top results include $46 million against a skilled nursing management company, its owners, and six nursing facilities, and $38.6 million in an elder abuse settlement - call our offices today.


What is elder abuse?

The National Council on Aging defines abuse of the elderly as follows:

  • Physical abuse. Physical abuse involves any force or any bodily injury. Common examples include:
    • Using chemical restraints, such as sedatives, or physical restraints, such as ties, or anything that makes it hard for a senior to move or rise out of a bed or chair
    • Denying your loved one his/her prescription medications or dietary needs
    • Slapping, pushing, punching, or striking a Shreveport senior
  • Sexual abuse. Sexual abuse involves forcing a senior to engage in or watch sexual acts without the consent of the senior. Sexual abuse also involves telling the elderly they’ll receive better care if they engage in or watch sexual acts.
  • Emotional abuse. Emotional abuse involves trying to make seniors feel guilty, bad, or afraid to control their behavior or to punish them. Examples include insults, screaming, and intimidating a senior. A common form of emotional abuse in Shreveport is isolating a senior from family, friends, and other seniors in a care facility.
  • Neglect becomes abuse when it is intentional. Examples of abusive neglect include deliberately withholding medications or food, providing living conditions that are unsanitary, and failing to follow known common-sense safety protocols.

Financial abuse of the elderly involves improperly obtaining the assets, income, or retirement benefits of a senior through theft, forgery, pressure, fraud, and other dishonest means.

At Garcia & Artigliere, our Shreveport elder abuse lawyers have more than 150 years of combined experience holding long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes and other caretakers, liable for elder abuse. We’re ready to help your loved one now.

When should I suspect that a Shreveport caretaker is contributing to the abuse of my loved one?

Our Shreveport elder abuse lawyers suggest that you see a parent, grandparent, or any other senior relative at their residential facility or home as often as possible. In-person visits are the best way to learn how your loved one is being treated. Phone and email conversations are also advisable.

Common signs of abuse in Shreveport include:

Signs of physical abuse:

  • Bruises, cuts, and lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Malnutrition and dehydration
  • Infections and diseases that aren’t promptly treated
  • Bedsores/pressure ulcers
  • Unclean clothes and poor hygiene
  • Signs your relative or friend isn’t taking his/her medications
  • Pain
  • Signs of physical or chemical abuse

Signs of emotional abuse:

  • Noncommunication with family and friends
  • Isolation
  • Withdrawal
  • Confusion
  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Rocking back and forth
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Sexual abuse signs include:

  • Emergency room care
  • Undergarments that are torn, have blood on them, or have semen on them
  • Sexual infections
  • Genital area disorders, pain, cuts, or bruises
  • Unusual discussions about sex
  • Fear of a staff member or another resident
  • Any of the physical or emotional signs reviewed above

Other signs of abuse in Shreveport include:

  • Indications your loved one fell
  • Wandering
  • Elopement
  • Abandonment
Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers

What steps should I take if I suspect abuse at a Shreveport caretaker facility is occurring?

Relatives and friend can help their loved ones by:

  • Contacting our Shreveport elder abuse attorneys. We understand the unique challenges of fighting for seniors who are abused. Many abused seniors are afraid, have difficulty expressing themselves, and live with a great amount of pain. Our lawyers are skilled at helping seniors fight for their rights and their dignity.
  • Making regular visits
  • Observing how your family member interacts with staff members and other seniors
  • Looking over the care facility or at-home conditions for any signs of neglect
  • Reviewing what medications your loved one takes, and whether he or she is taking the medications

Seniors and their loved ones can also contact the Louisiana Ombudsman Program if they suspect abuse of a loved one. The Ombudsman Program investigates abuse complaints at long-term care facilities.

How does Garcia & Artigliere fight for elder abuse victims in Louisiana?

At Garica & Artigliere, our Shreveport elder abuse lawyers have obtained multi-million dollar awards on behalf of people across the country.

We understand the federal and Louisiana laws that govern caretakers. We question everyone with information about the abuse. We review your loved one’s medical condition with elder care physicians and psychologists. Our lawyers work with nursing home experts and other professionals who can explain why the abuse of your loved one should have been prevented.

Our Shreveport elder abused lawyers demand compensation for your loved one’s current and future:

  • Medical bills
  • Any lost income
  • Physical pain and emotional suffering
  • Loss of bodily function
  • Loss of quality of life

We demand punitive damages for unconscionable conduct. We also file wrongful death action on behalf of the surviving family members if elder abuse caused the death of your loved one.

Do you have a Shreveport elder abuse lawyer near me?

Garcia & Artigliere represents the elderly in Shreveport, Louisiana. We meet seniors and their families at our Louisiana office, where the seniors live, and at other accessible locations. We also discuss cases with seniors by phone and through video conferences.

Our lawyers understand how frightened abused seniors are. We’ll answer everyone’s questions and explain how the claims process works.

Contact an experienced Shreveport elder abuse lawyer at Garcia & Artigliere today

Step one for stopping abuse is to notify the caretaker that you have legal counsel. At Garcia & Artigliere, our Shreveport lawyers immediately inform short-term and long-term care providers that abuse is occurring, that it must stop, and that a claim is being filed for the harm to the abuse victim. Step two is filing a complaint against the caretaker. Our Shreveport elder abuse attorneys have the experience and resources to show the abuse your loved one suffered was preventable, and that the caretaker should be held liable for the harm caused by that caretaker.

To schedule a free consultation, please call us or complete our contact form. Our lawyers also represent the elderly in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Arizona, California, and Kentucky. We represent abused seniors on a contingency fee basis.

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