Garcia & Artigliere’s Success Stories

Over $3 billion in results

While we cannot guarantee any outcome, through our over 25 years in practice our attorneys at Garcia & Artigliere have secured outstanding results in elder abuse litigation across the United States. We have fought for verdicts and settlements that have changed our clients’ lives, helping them face more stable futures in the wake of serious instances of elder neglect and abuse. Take a moment to review some of our notable successes, or call our offices at (866) 489-8797 any time for a free, confidential consultation and find out how we can assist you.


Settlement Under False Claims Act

The United States Department of Justice entered into a Consent Judgment with several defendants for $46,000,000 after Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Matthew M. Coman brought claims against those defendants for violations of the False Claims Act. The $46,000,000 settlement award from Paksn Inc., a skilled nursing management company based in California, as well as its owners and six nursing facilities was approved by the United States District Court on Monday, November 13, 2023. The case was made under the False Claims Act and focused on a kickback scheme.


 Settlement Under False Claims Act

The United States Department of Justice entered into a Consent Judgment with several defendants for $45,000,000 after Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia, David M. Medby and Matthew M. Coman brought claims against those defendants for violations of the False Claims Act.


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Obtained a $38.6 million settlement, considered to be the largest Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act settlement (EADACPA) in California history.


Defective Medical Device

Stephen M. Garcia served as counsel in an arbitration leading into a recovery of over $19.5 million for the plaintiffs in a medical device lawsuit.


Nursing Home Understaffing Case

After more than eight years of hard fought litigation, and after having had initial efforts to certify a class action based on understaffing denied in arbitration, Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and David Medby have been able to acquire a $12 million settlement as against Rechnitz nursing facilities in California. Perhaps more importantly, as part and parcel to the settlement, the Rechnitz nursing facilities must now increase their staffing beyond the minimum set by law to afford better care to residents of their facilities.

Mr. Garcia noted, "after nearly 40 years of practicing law I have never been involved in such a hard fought case in my life.  The defendants, as I understand it, spent many millions of dollars in defense of this action and threw everything plus the kitchen sink at us including threats of all sorts. We are honored to have stayed the course, fought through these issues and achieved a meaningful settlement which will increase staffing in many nursing facilities in California."


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Class Action

Garcia & Artigliere was honored to conclude a class action against Manor Care leading to a $12,000,000.00 settlement. Bill Artigliere commented, “nothing comes easy against these defendants and especially in Federal Court where this case was venued. We fought, got the case certified as a class when the defense had adopted a hard ball stance, then stood up for our clients and were honored to achieve such a substantial award for the class.”


Nursing Home Understaffing Case

In Re Rechnitz Nursing Facilities. Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia, Bill Artigliere and David M. Medby were able to acquire a $12 million settlement after seven years of litigation involving the largest provider of long term health care in Southern California in understaffing allegations.


Nursing Home Understaffing Class Action

In Re Manor Care. Acquired a $9 million settlement of a class action relating to understaffing of long term health care facilities in California.


Consumer Fraud Class Action

Class action settlement for consumers against Best Buy and AOL for violations of consumer laws.


Wage & Hour Class Action

Class action settlement as against Holiday Retirement for violations of wage and hour laws.


Surgical Malpractice

Garcia & Artigliere attorneys Matthew Coman and Stephen M. Garcia acquired $6.95 million in settlements in cases involving a Kentucky physician and hospital utilizing unnecessary and/or improper medical devices in surgeries.


Surgical Malpractice

Settlement against a Los Angeles acute care hospital and several medical providers on behalf of a minor who was permanently disabled while a patient of the hospital as a result of poor surgical practices by a physician in the hospital.


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Class Action

Class action settlement award on behalf of elder and dependent adult residents of the Ensign Corporation’s California long term care facilities.


Nursing Home Understaffing Case

In Re Pleasant Care. Received a $5.8 million settlement regarding understaffing in California nursing homes.


Fatal Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Muccianti v. Willow Creek. After an 8 week trial in Fresno County California, elder abuse attorney Stephen M. Garcia persuaded a Fresno County jury to enter judgment for the wrongful death of a woman who came to a skilled nursing home for rehabilitation, but died of an untreated and ignored infection in her abdomen. The verdict included one of the top ten punitive damage awards in the state of California for a single year.


Nursing Home Sexual Abuse & Assault

Elder abuse attorney Stephen M. Garcia successfully resolved a matter for an 87-year-old woman who was repeatedly sexually molested by the co-manager of a residential care facility. The co-manager had a long history of alleged sexual misconduct at the facility, but none of the incidents of elder abuse were reported to either Adult Protective Services or to the Department of Social Services. Upon discovery, the nursing home fired the co-manager and waited 8 days to report his actions to the police, giving him time to flee.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Falls

Trial verdict by a Santa Monica court where a resident suffered 16 falls at a licensed residential care facility for the elderly.


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Verdict in a jury trial on behalf of a 92-year-old dependent adult woman who suffered elder abuse and neglect over a seven-year period while she was a resident of a San Gabriel, CA nursing home.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Garcia & Artigliere attorney Stephen M. Garcia acquired a $4.9 million verdict against a Southern California nursing home for allowing a resident to suffer decubitus ulcers.


Nursing Home Understaffing Case

In Re Sun Mar. Acquired a $4.7 million settlement relating to understaffing in California nursing homes.


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Class Action

Elder abuse attorney Stephen M. Garcia settled a California class action for $4.5 million and an Oregon class action for $1 million against a nursing home chain. As part of the settlement, Mr. Garcia insisted the settlement include the appointment of an independent monitor, selected by Mr. Garcia, who would undertake quarterly inspections at select nursing homes operated by the company.


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Garcia & Artigliere achieved a significant legal milestone in Louisiana, securing a $3,897,689.63 verdict for the family of Raymond Davidson, an elder abuse victim. This historic decision, the first healthcare fraud verdict in the state, highlights the firm’s commitment to holding negligent long-term care providers accountable. 

“Unless and until the long-term health care providers in Louisiana start providing decent care to their residents, Garcia & Artigliere will continue to advocate on their behalf to hold long-term health care providers liable for their misconduct and, quite candidly, if we are going to be faced with zero offers in each and every case and have to take each and every case to trial, so be it, we are trial lawyers, and we are prepared to do so," said Matthew Coman, partner at Garcia & Artigliere.


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Class Action

Class action settlement on behalf of elder and dependent adult residents of Pleasant Care Corporation long term care facilities.


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Class Action

Class action settlement on behalf of elder and dependent adult residents of Sun Mar Corporation long term care facilities.


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Jury verdict on behalf of an elderly woman who suffered significant injuries while admitted to the Parkway Extended Care skilled nursing facility in Louisville, Kentucky.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Falls

Elias v. Parkway. Garcia & Artigliere attorneys Stephen M. Garcia and Matthew Coman acquired a $3,094,000.00 verdict in Jefferson County Kentucky on behalf of an ignored elder adult allowed to suffer multiple falls and injury.


Misdiagnosis of Stroke

Whitten v. Confidential. Settlement for our elderly client who suffered injuries due to the misdiagnosis of his stroke by a hospital emergency department and its staff.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Sandoval v. Willow Creek. Compensatory nursing home verdict in Fresno County for an elder allowed to develop from pressure sores due to abuse by a skilled nursing facility. Settled as opening statements were about to be given in punitive damages phase.


Elder Abuse

On June 20, 2024, Garcia & Artigliere attorneys Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere, in the matter of Bruce vs. California Care Inc., et al. bearing Los Angeles County Superior Court Case Number 21STCV38690 acquired a judgment for the firm's client in an elder abuse case brought on behalf of the plaintiff for $2,286,699.22. The Complaint alleged that the staff at Beach Terrace Memory Care, a residential care facility for the elderly in Stanton, California, failed to appropriately care for the medical needs of Mr. Bruce and follow physicians' orders. Garcia & Artigliere Attorney Stephen M. Garcia commented, "it is always one of those days where you're happy and sad when there is a judgment entered against the defendant for abusing an elder. This case is no different. In my judgment, Beach Terrace should be put out of business, and the State of California Department of Social Services is simply not doing its job in failing to do so. Unfortunately, with the State not doing its job, we are honored to have stepped in and advanced the interests of the family."


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Award on behalf of an elderly plaintiff who suffered amputation of his leg, pressure sores and gangrene as a result of elder abuse by a Kentucky nursing home.


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

$2,200,000 against Defendants LTAC of Louisiana, LLC d/b/a “AMG Specialty Hospital,” and Acadiana Management Group, LLC, respectively, for injuries caused by the negligence of the two (2) defendants.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Staton v. Martin Manor. Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Matt Coman acquired a $2,192,745 verdict in Martin County, Kentucky on behalf of an ignored elder allowed to develop avoidable pressure injuries.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Matt Coman acquired a settlement of $1.9 million in the state of Kentucky on behalf of Mrs. Staton who was the victim of the development of pressure ulcers in a Martin County nursing home.


Surgical Malpractice

Settlement on behalf of the Plaintiff in a lawsuit against a Kentucky physician and related hospital defendant for significant injuries caused by the physician’s surgical errors.


Surgical Malpractice

Settlement for a man who suffered severe injuries and the need for revision surgery after his doctor negligently performed ankle surgery.


Hospital & Medical Malpractice

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Matthew Coman acquired a $1.65 million settlement from a Kentucky hospital and physician providing inappropriate care to the patient.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

As trial was nearing, Garcia & Artigliere attorneys Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere acquired a settlement of $1.625 million against a Southern California Residential Care Facility for the Elderly that allowed an 83-year-old woman to develop a pressure injury on her left hip.

Garcia & Artigliere rejected many offers of settlement and, in fact, declined to deter from trial preparation to engage in a mediation until the full amount of the one-million-dollar insurance policy was tendered as an offer of settlement.

Artigliere stated, “It was important that the defendant facility reach into their own money rather than just insurance money, to settle the case. We are hopeful that in being required to do so, they will recognize the significance and pain caused by their misconduct and alter the way they care for our elders into the future.”


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Garcia & Artigliere attorneys Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere tried the case of Ms. Guillermina Ruvalcaba in the Los Angeles County Superior Court leading to an award of over $1.6 million.


Fatal Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere were able to acquire a $1.550 million award against a Southern California nursing home for the wrongful death and avoidable development of pressure ulcers on the plaintiff.


Fatal Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Elder abuse attorney Stephen M. Garcia obtained a $1.5 million verdict for the family of a woman who died from more than 10 pressure sores, many of which were infected, black and necrotic. When she was brought into the hospital she was also suffering from diarrhea, vomiting and malnutrition. The coroner found her death to be caused by an infection of accumulated pressure sores.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Lucious v. Confidential. A resident of a Southern California skilled nursing facility was allowed to develop avoidable decubitus ulcers. Stephen M. Garcia was able to acquire a favorable judgment in the sum of $1.5 million for his client.


Nursing Home Understaffing Class Action

Acquired a $1.5 million judgment in the first certified class in the United States of America alleging understaffing in a residential care facility for the elderly.


Pediatric Surgical Malpractice

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and William Artigliere are honored to recently recover a settlement on behalf of an aggrieved minor child who underwent a botched surgery at a Southern California hospital in the amount of $1.4 million.


Personal Injury from Falls

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere acquired a $1.4 million settlement on behalf of the plaintiff who suffered multiple falls and injury.


Fatal Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers and Falls

Elder abuse attorney Stephen M. Garcia obtained a judgment of more than $1.3 million against a residential care facility for elder abuse and wrongful death. The elderly resident was admitted after surgery for a fractured hip. She also suffered from Alzheimer’s dementia and a Stage I pressure sore. Due to lack of care, the resident’s bed sore was left unattended and turned into a Stage IV sore that became infected. The resident had a second fall and the nursing home refused to send her to the hospital. For five months the resident suffered severe pain until, at the family’s insistence, she was taken to the hospital and found to have fractured her hip in the second fall.


Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Asch v. Confidential. Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere were able to acquire a $1 million settlement against a Napa area nursing home.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Falls

Hannickel v. Confidential. Acquired a $1 million settlement against a Northern California skilled nursing facility for a resident suffering multiple falls.


Nursing Home Abuse by Another Resident

Mathis v. Confidential. Acquired a $1 million settlement for a resident who was physically abused by a co-resident.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Garcia & Artigliere attorneys Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere acquired a $1 million settlement on behalf of the plaintiff who was allowed to develop avoidable decubitus ulcers in a Southern California skilled nursing facility.


Nursing Home Neglect

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Rosalie Baladejo proudly acquired a $900,000.00 settlement on behalf of Southern California resident of a residential care facility for the elderly. Garcia & Artigliere's client suffered the development of stage 4 pressure injury on her coccyx in the defendant facility. The action vibrantly illustrated the difficulties in litigation against residential care facilities for the elderly who are generally small corporations carrying minimal, or often nonexistent, insurance. Oftentimes, through typical litigation processes the costs of litigation are such that given the minimal insurance policies there is just not sufficient benefit to the aggrieved plaintiff. As Stephen M. Garcia stated, "these facilities carry minimal insurance, force litigation to the hilt, and then try to run up costs so that the recovery to a plaintiff is not commensurate to their injuries. We are proud because of our long litigation and trial success history the insurance companies understand these tactics will not work with our firm and we will fully litigate matters to acquire justice, insurance or not. Here, because of that history we were able to settle our client's case quickly incurring minimal costs which maximizes the net recovery of our clients so as to in some small sense, provide a sense of justice for their suffering. It is a small token for the pain suffered by the family but it is an advantage that Garcia & Artigliere has over most law firms in this litigation area and we are glad to use it to benefit our clients."


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Falls

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and David Medby were proud to have achieved an $800,000.00 settlement elderly client from a Southern California residential care facility for the elderly which allowed the Plaintiff to suffer repeated falls without referral to the required level of care for the Plaintiff.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Falls

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Rosalie Baladejo teamed to acquire an $800,000 settlement on behalf of an elderly woman who was allowed to suffer from falls and a fracture in a Southern California Residential Care Facility for the Elderly.


Nursing Home Abuse & Assault

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and William Artigliere are pleased to announce a settlement on behalf of an aggrieved elderly client of the firm in the amount of $800,000.00 relating to the facility allowing the firm's elderly client to be assaulted in a Southern California residential care facility for the elderly. This particular result was especially gratifying as the defendants had forced the plaintiff's case into arbitration.


Nursing Home Sexual Abuse & Assault

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Rosalie Baladejo are proud to announce an $800,000.00 settlement acquired on behalf of the firm's elderly client who was sexually assaulted by a male patient in a Southern California residential care facility for the elderly. Mr. Garcia and Ms. Baladejo were required to overcome video evidence which the defense asserted reflected this interaction being consensual. After careful and diligent research and discovery, Ms. Baladejo and Mr. Garcia were able to learn that the plaintiff lacked the mental capability to consent and were able to utilize those findings to propel a significant settlement.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Falls

As trial was nearing, Garcia & Artigliere attorneys Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere acquired a settlement of $800,000 against a Southern California skilled nursing facility for the elderly that allowed an 82-year-old woman to suffer a fall and fractured hip despite allegedly being cared for as a “high fall risk” resident.

Artigliere stated, “The defense adopted, effectively, the “old people fall” defense. We were gratified to expose the assertion as specious through many depositions and aggressive discovery. Our client was neglected and we were pleased to see that reality was eventually accepted by the defense in settling the case as trial rapidly approached.”


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere are proud to announce the acquisition of an $800,000.00 settlement against a Southern California acute care facility on behalf of the firm's elderly client who was allowed to develop avoidable decubitus ulcers in the defendant facility. The defendants argued that the decubitus ulcers were inevitable due to the significant comorbidities of the plaintiff. Through careful and diligent discovery Mr. Garcia and Mr. Artigliere were able to unearth the truth and advocate on behalf of the firm's client to obtain this significant result.


Nursing Home Neglect

Garcia & Artigliere attorneys Stephen M. Garcia and William Artigliere were pleased to acquire a $750,000.00 settlement on behalf of their aggrieved elderly client who had been recklessly neglected in a Southern California acute care hospital. As Mr. Garcia stated, "so often responsibility for misconduct is not sought, much less acquired, against acute care hospitals. There is a myth that they are infallible and oftentimes law firms just do not want to take a case against acute care facilities afraid of the aura of a "hospital." Garcia & Artigliere was proud to accept and aggressively litigate the case on behalf of our clients against this Southern California acute care facility and hold them responsible for their reckless neglect of our client. Simply stated, hospitals are often in error and need to be held just as responsible as are others for their reckless neglect of elder and dependent adults in the state of California and we are proud to do so here."


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and William Artigliere are proud to announce that they have acquired a $750,000.00 settlement on behalf of an elderly client against a Southern California acute care facility which allowed the plaintiff to develop an avoidable decubitus ulcer in their care.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Falls

Garcia & Artigliere attorneys Stephen M. Garcia and Rosalie Baladejo are pleased to announce the acquisition of a $750,000.00 settlement on behalf of the firm's elderly client who was allowed to suffer a fall with orthopedic fractures in a Southern California skilled nursing facility. Overcoming the defense's claims that the fall was inevitable due to the plaintiff's comorbidities, Ms. Baladejo and Mr. Garcia through diligent discovery determined that the falls were predictable, in the course of ongoing due to neglect of the defendants, and prevailed upon the defendant for a significant settlement.


Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Rosalie Baladejo were honored to have recently acquired a $700,000.00 settlement against a Southern California skilled nursing facility which allowed the resident to suffer avoidable decubitus ulcers resulting from inattention of staff.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and William Artigliere were proud to have achieved an $700,000.00 settlement as the trial date was imminent for an elderly client from a Southern California skilled nursing facility for the elderly which allowed the Plaintiff to develop avoidable pressure injuries.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Garcia & Artigliere attorneys Stephen Garcia and Rosie Baladejo, having secured a priority trial setting date, reached a $700,000 settlement on behalf of a 79 year old woman who was allowed to develop avoidable pressure injuries in a Southern California skilled nursing facility. Garcia noted, “it always saddens me when our elders are entrusted to the care of these facilities and effectively ignored. As our client is alive, this was a case which we wanted to, and did, settle as soon as possible for a fair number so that she could benefit and enjoy the settlement proceeds in her lifetime. While this will not alter the pain she suffered due to the reckless neglect of the defendants, it will allow for her to pay a properly attentive caregiver and enjoy her golden years. That is important to us.”


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere are proud to announce having acquired a $550,000.00 settlement on behalf of the firm's elderly client as against a Southern California residential care facility for the elderly which allowed the elderly plaintiff to develop an avoidable decubitus ulcer. The defense relied upon the fact that the plaintiff was a hospice patient asserting that, in effect, "she was old and was going to die." Mr. Garcia and Mr. Artigliere were able to overcome these arguments by careful and diligent discovery exposing a pattern of practice on behalf of the defendants.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Falls

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere teamed to acquire a $550,000 settlement on behalf of an elderly man who was allowed to suffer from falls and a fracture in a Southern California skilled nursing facility.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Decubitus Ulcers

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Rosalie Baladejo are proud to announce they have acquired a $500,000.00 settlement on behalf of the firm's elderly client who was allowed to suffer the development of avoidable decubitus ulcers in a Southern California skilled nursing facility.


Nursing Home Neglect Leading to Falls

Garcia & Artigliere lawyers Stephen M. Garcia and Bill Artigliere are pleased to announce a $400,000.00 settlement on behalf of an aggrieved elderly resident in a Southern California acute care facility who was allowed to fall and hit his head suffering injury. The defense proffered that since the plaintiff was dying of stage 4 liver cancer at the time of the injury, this was really much to do about nothing. Mr. Artigliere and Mr. Garcia fought for the dignity and right of every person, no matter how sick, to be treated appropriately and properly and were able to acquire this significant settlement.