Elder Abuse


Torrance Elder Abuse Lawyer

Torrance elder abuse lawyers fighting for seniors throughout California

Atrocious is one way to describe abusing seniors in Torrance. These actions and situations are egregious and life-altering for seniors and their families. Often, elder abuse happens in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. Other times, it occurs in private residences. Elder abuse is rampant nationwide, and perpetrators must be held accountable, whether they are a hired caretaker or a relative. Our Torrance elder abuse lawyer often makes claims brought forward by relatives of the abused person. Seniors are in a vulnerable place and they may need assistance to take legal action. If your loved one is suffering from abuse, speak to Garcia & Artigliere about your next steps - call our offices today.


The definition of elder abuse

Any action, whether single or repeated, that causes harm or distress to a senior is considered elder abuse. Elder abuse can consist of verbal, physical, sexual, or emotional, and is often caused by a trusted individual. Neglect, unintentional or intentional, is another form of abuse. Perpetrators of abuse can be nursing home attendants, medical professionals, or family members.

Identifying elder abuse can be challenging, depending on the type of abuse and who the perpetrator is. Sometimes, you will see physical signs on the victim, but emotional and verbal abuse may not leave visible scars. Dementia and Alzheimer's patients are susceptible since they have memory and cognitive impairments that can confuse them. When these patients report to supervisors and managers, they may not be taken seriously because of their impairment.

Signs that can indicate elder abuse

Abuse can take many forms and is often physical abuse or neglect. Nursing home staff and caretakers will likely try to cover up the abuse so they do not face any consequences. A loved one can identify elder abuse by visiting long-term care facilities and talking to the senior. Sometimes, talking in private is sufficient to uncover abuse, but even then, staff can try to prevent you from being alone with the resident. When a senior receives care at home, you can install a camera that monitors your loved one while the caregiver is there.

Some signs of abuse or neglect often involve:

  • An increase in treatment for new injuries
  • Bruises that can indicate the use of ropes or other restraints
  • The victim expresses their fear or is uncomfortable around a caregiver
  • Extreme changes in weight over short periods
  • Your loved one escaped the facility or was abandoned by staff
  • Other residents show signs of malnutrition or neglect
  • Your loved one is isolated and does not participate in activities or leave their room
  • You notice additional services are charged to their account
Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers

Ways to help your senior assert their rights if they experience elder abuse in Torrance

You can prevent or deter elder abuse by showing you are aware of your seniors' care and treatment. Some steps you can take include:

  • Regular visits to the facility at random intervals. Pop in unannounced once or twice a week and never on the same day.
  • Install and review video cameras in the home or care facility.
  • Review financial records.
  • Walk around the facility.
  • Take note of the accommodations of other residents.

The first step to help your senior is identifying if there is abuse present. Once you identify that abuse is taking place, take steps to report it. If there is immediate danger, call 911 for assistance. There are other resources you can use to report elder abuse, such as:

You can also speak to a Torrance elder abuse lawyer from Gracia & Artigliere. Senior citizens deserve dignity and respect, and elder abuse at the hands of caretakers and nursing home facilities is unacceptable. These entities are not above the law and must answer for their crimes.

How a Torrance elder abuse lawyer can fight for abused seniors

When you entrust someone to care for your loved one, they have a duty to follow through. Finding out they mistreated or abandoned your loved one can be devastating. Your top priority should be helping your senior process and heal from the situation, and you should also not have to worry about filing paperwork, legal deadlines, and tracking down liable parties. Instead, you should speak to our Torrance elder abuse lawyer. We fight for abused seniors in Torrance by handling the following tasks:

  • Communicating and maintaining correspondence with all parties involved with the case
  • Handling lawsuit filings, insurance forms, and court documents
  • Gathering and preserving evidence, including witness statements and medical records
  • Protecting your loved one's best interests
  • Reviewing settlement offers and negotiating for fair compensation
  • Preparing a case strategy to take to court if necessary

Our role is to get you the compensation you deserve after your loved one experiences elder abuse from a trusted individual. Civil claims can result in compensation recovery from these perpetrators. A Torrance elder abuse lawyer will seek compensation for the following:

  • Reimbursement of lost funds
  • Medical bills incurred to treat injuries and infections caused by elder abuse
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Rehabilitation, both physical and psychological
  • Medication for injuries, mental health conditions, etc.
  • Reimbursements for stolen items that cannot be recovered

This is not an exhaustive list of the damages you can recover. Every case has different losses; you may qualify for additional losses not listed here. Getting an individual assessment from a Torrance elder abuse lawyer is best. We will review your claim to find the damages you can seek. Speak to the team at Garcia & Artigliere to get started today.

Unfortunately, some elder abuse cases end with the victim dying. No recovery is sufficient to bring them back or help your family move on. However, pursuing a legal claim can help bring the perpetrator to justice. If a caregiver or facility may have contributed to or caused your loved one's death, you have options. You can file a wrongful death claim pursuing damages for burial and funeral expenses. You need a compassionate team to accomplish these tasks.

Evidence to help your claim

While you have suspicions that elder abuse is happening, you will have to prove it to win a legal claim. While investigating your claim, we will do our best to gather evidence that bolsters your chances, such as:

  • Blood tests
  • Photos of the injuries
  • Photos or videos of the facility
  • Documents that show understaffing
  • Medical records
  • Expert testimony from doctors
  • Banking and financial statements
  • Previous complaints at the facility
  • Testimony from staff, other residents, and witnesses
  • Receipts showing ownership of stolen items
  • Employment records
  • Staff logs

Do you have a Torrance elder abuse lawyer near me?

The Torrance elder abuse lawyer from Garcia & Artigliere has years of experience handling these cases and seeking justice for victims of elder abuse. We will pursue medical treatment and psychological assistance for your loved one so they can get a semblance of peace. Schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced Torrance elder abuse lawyer by calling our Long Beach or Los Angeles offices. We service clients throughout California.

Call a Torrance elder abuse lawyer today

Has your loved one suffered elder abuse at the hands of their caretaker? Talk to an experienced and compassionate Torrance elder abuse lawyer from Garcia & Artigliere. Call our office or submit our contact form to schedule a free consultation today.

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